Monday, March 20

Welcome to Earn With auto Surf4Money earn $2.00 of every day free

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Join up for free by clicking the "Sign Up" button on the site. Important: Please note that Yahoo, Hotmail and AOL email addresses may not work with our software and you may NEVER receive your activation email with those email addresses! We recommend you use a different email address, such as your ISP address, Gmail or Myway.
  • Wait a few minutes for your Activation Email. Click the activation link in the email to confirm your address.Log in to your account with your username and password.Click on Start Surfing to earn money.You can earn more. Click on upgrade account and purchase up to 1000 upgrade units.How do I earn cash?You earn cash by visiting sponsored websites; simply visit 100 sites every day to earn $2.00 of your level. This takes less than 20 minutes per day!You can also earn extra cash by signing up new members. Our referral program pays up to 10% in commission of each upgrade purchase made by your direct referrals.You can upgrade your account at any time with 1-1000 units $15 each. The more units you buy the more you can earn. Do you allow international members to join?Yes, we allow members from all countries to join our program. If you do not live in the United States we can only pay you through an online payment account. We do not send out check payments outside the US.How do I purchase upgrades?Click the Upgrade Account link inside your member's area or the Edit button to the right of the member level. Select how many units you wish to purchase and click proceed.Do not purchase an upgrade after you have surfed. If you do this you will not be able to earn on the new upgrade until the next day and hence miss a days earnings.Do I get referral commissions?Yes, we pay a referral commission up to 10% on every membership unit that your referrals make for as long as they're an Active Member of the program!When does my referral commission get paid?Commissions are paid directly into your cash balance at the time your Referral purchases their membership unit.
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